
  MAJOR KEY! DJ Khaled took to social media to announce he will have a new radio show on Apple’s Beats1 radio Friday’s, 8p east coast/5pWest coast and…he will be there first to premiere the NEW Future Album This Friday on his new show

Sure, you can stop & smell the roses, but what about wearing them? Check out these fit workout clothes you're going to want right now.

If you are a sweaty beauty that’s not afraid to get a little dirty, then let’s go on a mud run! Mudderella is the first mud…

Cherry blossoms are in full bloom and the spring air is calling your name beauties. So in honor of National Earth Day (April 22nd) and…

Oh my goodness, this past winter was the absolute worst! I promised myself that once higher temperatures made their debut again, I would burn my bubble…

Calling all insomniacs. Back in the day, I would fall asleep anywhere and in any position without any shame. But nowadays my relationship with slumber…

You diet, you exercise, you lose weight – get it girl! But then you miss your favorite foods, kick exercise to the curb and one… You see people rolling on them in the stretching area. The first time you saw one, you thought it was a piece of leftover…

Spring is officially here beauties, so let’s pack our bags, skip town and get some much needed vitamin D. Winter woes move over because tis…