Elev8 Health

People who get plenty of vitamin K from food may have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who get less of the vitamin, a new study suggests. Find how how you can get your daily dose right here.

<strong>COPD</strong> is one of the nation's <strong>leading causes of death</strong> but most of us have no idea what it is or how to deal with it. Get informed and improve your lifestyle.

If you frequent your local grocer, you may have encountered this dilemma while in the produce section--whether or not to buy organic.

As women age, the threat of gaining weight increases. There seems to be a solution to this problem.

A Congressional investigation of dietary herbal supplements has found trace amounts of lead, mercury and other heavy metals in nearly all products tested, plus myriad illegal health claims made by supplement manufacturers, The New York Times reported Wednesday. The levels of heavy metal contaminants did not exceed established limits, but investigators also discovered troubling and possibly unacceptable […]

Research shows that there is an increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease among men with erectile dysfunction and low testosterone levels.

Are you concerned about the health of your bones as you age? Maybe the best way to treat those issues is to prevent them.

Diabetes is a disease that can affect nearly every organ in your body if left unchecked. Find out how you could be affected and what you can do to stay in control.

Putting in <strong>extra hours</strong> on the job may be good for your bank account but bad for your heart according to a new study.

It is never too early or too late to address the health of your family. Here are a few ideas for showing your children how to live a healthy life.

Breaking up your fitness routine is hard to do. But it's crucial for avoiding the bigger heartache of overuse injury, fitness experts say.

School meals matter. Just ask any teacher or parent and they’ll tell you that children who lack proper nutrition have trouble focusing in school.