
Pen Griffey is going on tour starting in 2016.

Rihanna is getting us one step close to that album.

During her visit to Iowa City, Hillary Clinton was asked a question “if she would rather be Grammy award-winning artist Beyoncé Knowles or president.” “Now, if I really had a choice, I’d rather be president because I can’t sing,” Clinton said. “Nobody would pay to see me sing or dance. Even when I was a […]

Is it a mixtape or is it an album? That is the question. In a time when terms like retail mixtape, street tape, EP, and free project are thrown around so loosely, it’s hard to categorize when a project is a mixtape or truly an album. Despite artists’ decisions to sell their short projects on iTunes for […]

LeBron James is an amazing businessman and basketball player, but an even better person.

Gilbert Arenas believes he knows how to make the WNBA more entertaining - get "cutie pies" to play the game and put them in skimpy outfits.

On January 9, 2016, HBO will air a documentary on J. Cole and the making of his acclaimed 2014 Forest Hills Drive album.