Rick Perry (pictured left) is the village idiot of gubernatorial politics. Those of us who unfortunately have become his victims during his king-like reign as…

Either the 81-year-old queen of plastic surgery, Joan Rivers, is on some serious drugs or she has officially lost her mind.   While in New…


Joan Rivers, 81, told a reporter that President Barack Obama is the first gay president and that First Lady Michelle Obama is a “tranny.” After…

On Wednesday, a Quinnipiac University poll revealed something that I already known to be true thanks to years of experience and access to cable television: a…

This week, the first-ever White House Summit on Working Families took place in Washington, D.C., at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. The summit’s aim was to…


4 Year Old Destroys Babysitter’s Plan To “Blame The Black Man” In Home Robbery It’s no secret that “blame the black man” is a time…


A figurine of a smiling President Barack Obama was spotted in a men’s urinal at the GOP’s Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Conference on Friday. The Huffington Post’s…


In what is a recurring theme for him, President Barack Obama called on fathers to be more active in their children’s lives in a Father’s…


HELP US – WE’RE DYING! And while you’re at it, we also need to hear from you about all the ways you’re working around the…


WHAT THE HELL IS ‘HOOD DISEASE’? Here’s what isn’t helpful when it comes to diagnosing a very serious health concern in the Black community: calling…


Robert Copeland, 82, the police commissioner who sparked national outrage after his racist statements about President Barack Obama were made public last week, has resigned,…


There’s an expectation that any federal judicial nominee President Barack Obama seeks to place on the bench would get opposition from Congressional Republicans, but lately…