
On Tuesday, Gov. Jay Nixon held a press conference where he outlined preparations for the Darren Wilson grand jury verdict. Nixon told reporters, “Citizens should…


FERGUSON, Mo. – The parents of Ferguson police shooting victim Michael Brown are headed to Switzerland next week to speak at a United Nations human…


In an apparent effort to avoid appearing in public after shooting unarmed teen Michael Brown this summer, Ferguson, Mo., officer Darren Wilson (pictured standing) has…

During a segment of his show Friday night, HBO’s Real Time host Bill Maher said slain Ferguson, Missouri teen Michael Brown was acting like a thug…


The official autopsy of Michael Brown was leaked earlier this week sparking more protests in Feguson and caused the Justice Department to condemn the release…

Michael Brown, the 19-year-old Ferguson, Missouri teen who was unarmed when Officer Darren Wilson gunned him down on August 9, was shot in the hand…


A group of local residents in the Ferguson community have been secretly testifying before a grand jury to share their accounts of what happened the…


During an October 4 performance of “Requiem” by Brahms at the St. Louis symphony, demonstrators shocked patrons when they interrupted the orchestra with a protest…


Voter registration has surged in Ferguson after the shooting death of Michael Brown. Since that fateful day when Brown was murdered by Ferguson police officer…


Michael Brown, Sr.  and his cousin, Ty Pruit, spoke with Roland Martin during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference about the death of Michael…


There is an old saying: “What’s understood doesn’t have to be explained.” Apparently, police officers in Ferguson and St. Louis, Missouri are lacking in the…


This week St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch announced that he is extending the Michael Brown grand jury’s deadline to January 2015. Roland Martin, joined by an…