The Philadelphia City Council is considering a budget that includes a proposed soda tax. Philadelphia's mayor wants to fund early childhood education with the revenue. But there's serious opposition.

In this video, Duke University Professor Mark Anthony Neal discusses effective ways to open the education space for 21st century learning. His vision includes using culture to reach today's students.

Lawsuits accuse several state legislatures of underfunding schools in minority and low-income communities. These cases spotlight significant disparities in education funding that activists say needs reform.

The San Antonio school district fires school police officer who body-slammed student. The superintendent said the officer's report is inconsistent with what the video shows.

New research explains why Black and low-income students lag behind more affluent White peers in science. The researchers recommend early exposure to science.

The Obama administration unveiled details of a plan to curb chronic absenteeism. A core of mentors in several major cities will work with at-risk students, along with an ad campaign targeting parents.


Dr. Karen Thomas, Founder and CEO of Marion P. Thomas Charter School in Newark, New Jersey, and Ana Ponce, Chief Executive Officer of Camino Nuevo Charter Academy in Los Angeles, California spoke with Roland Martin about the benefits of charter schools during Monday's edition of NewsOne Now.

A new survey finds that Black and Hispanic parents believe there are disparities in education based on race and income. The study seeks to give voice to the new majority parents whose children now outnumber Whites in the public schools.

Police arrested a Beaumont, Texas high school math teacher for assaulting her student. The arrest came shortly after a video went viral that shows her slapping the male student five times.


Watch Roland Martin, Jose Vilson, and the NewsOne Now panel discuss how gifted/talented schools are reinforcing class and race inequities in the video clip above.

A group of parents and a pro-charter school organization sue New York for allowing violence to go unchecked in classrooms. But the city's mayor says major crimes are decreasing.

Video surfaced on YouTube showing Texas school police officer body-slamming middle school girl. Officials placed him on paid leave while they investigate the incident.