Mark Holden, Koch Industries VP, joined Roland Martin on NewsOne Now to discuss the Koch Brothers' focus on criminal justice reform.


Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, joined Roland Martin on NewsOne Now to discuss the findings of the Nielsen 2015 African American Consumer Report.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson gave lackadaisical performances at the debate at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California.

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the trending stories you’re talking about:  Whitesplaining: Matt Damon Rudely Attempts To Explain Diversity To Successful Black Filmmaker…


Joy Ann Reid recently spoke with Roland Martin about her new book, "Fracture: Barack Obama, the Clintons, and the Racial Divide."


Cornell W. Brooks, President and CEO of the NAACP, spoke with Roland Martin about the culmination of the Journey for Justice march.


Robbie Tolan was shot in his own driveway after police mistakenly accused Tolan and his cousin of stealing their family car.


The new faith-based movie War Room is taking the box office by storm and has become this summer’s sleeper hit. According to, the film earned another $7.4 million…

In this special edition of the NewsOne Top 5 we take a look at the top stories in culture, media and entertainment during a summer that gave us plenty to talk about and debate.


In an exclusive interview on TV One’s NewsOne Now this week, host Roland Martin asked Minister Louis Farrakhan how to curb the violence plaguing African-American communities nationwide. The…


During a live interview on NewsOne Now, Min. Farrakhan shared his views on the Black Lives Matter Movement and young activists.


TV One’s NewsOne Now is devoting its Thursday, Sept. 10 broadcast to a live, in-studio interview with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Tune in at 9 am ET/8 am CT