As much as we hope and pray that Michael Jackson gets a chance to rest in peace, that most likely will never happen. A few…

Mason Betha. He’s the same guy who still can’t decide whether he wants to be a preacher or a rapper. He’s also the same one…

Despite having been deceased for five years, Michael Jackson is still raking in the big bucks. The upcoming posthumous album titled “Xscape” looks to add…

The world’s leading chimp expert says Michael Jackson’s famous pet monkey Bubbles was brutalized at Neverland and she blames MJ. Jane Goodall dropped the bombshell leaving an event in…

We live in a strange world where the truth is stranger than fiction. We couldn’t have made the up. The man who “involuntarily” helped Michael…

Super producer Timabaland is hard at work on a Michael Jackson album, which he officially announced yesterday. He presented a sneak peek of the song,…

Despite having been gone since 2009, everybody is still trying to get some piece of Michael Jackson’s fortune. A man claiming to be his son…


Brandon Howard, 31, the man who is reportedly Michael Jackson‘s long-lost son, denies reports that he agreed to DNA testing and has no plans of…

Michael Jackson  has a 31 year old son name Brandon Howard. The man claims and we’re  told he plans to go public on Thursday with…


Brandon Howard, 31, the son of R&B singer Miki Howard, claims that he is the son of late music legend Michael Jackson and that he…

The death of Michael Jackson is still having a negative effect on the people who were involved with him both professionally and personally. After a…