
It's no secret that President Barack Obama is a fan of Star Wars.


Comedian Larry Wilmore caused a lot of controversy after using the “n-word” during his speech at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner on Saturday night. Despite the negative backlash, the White House has come to his defense, saying President Obama “appreciated the spirit of Mr. Wilmore’s expressions on Saturday night.” White House Press Secretary Josh […]


“With that, I have just two more words to say: Obama out," he said.

It was a bittersweet night for the Obama family at their last White House Correspondent's Dinner in office.

First Lady Michelle Obama hosted the third annual College Signing Day in Harlem. About 4, 000 high school seniors and several celebrities joined Mrs. Obama for the event to promote higher education.

Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will dine Friday in London with the Royal Family during a trip to reportedly lobby to keep the U.K. in the European Union.