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I was reminded of this short-lived series which Alex Haley hosted not-so long before he died in 1992, titled Dialogue With Black Filmmakers. The title should be self-explanatory.

I believe the episodes were shot in 1991, but I couldn’t find very much written about the series; I couldn’t even find any absolute confirmation that it even aired at all! And it doesn’t appear to exist in any home video format (DVD, VHS, etc). Although it supposedly eventually aired on Black Entertainment Television, in 1992/1993 season.

However, I found a few episodes of the program on YouTube. Haley talked to several filmmakers over the course of the series, including luminaries of the time like Spike Lee, John Singleton, Robert Townsend and others.

I embedded part of the Spike Lee interview below, in which he talks about getting Malcolm X made, as well as his future outlook, and also the Gordon Parks episode (parts 1 and 3; part 2 isn’t embeddable). You can find the other episodes on YouTube.

Part 1:

Part 3:

Tambay Obenson is editor of Shadow And Act on the indieWIRE Network at