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*Pardon my sarcastic voice* Oh my, Jada Pinkett’s hospital drama Hawthorne has been canceled…I can not believe it at all! Welp, Jada is out of a job, good thing she’s already rich and married to Will Smith who is even richer! I had no doubts the show would be canceled, I’m more concerned as to why it was on the air in the first place. TNT released this statement “TNT truly appreciates the tremendous dedication of everyone involved,” the network said in a statement. “The series gave TNT the opportunity to work with many outstanding people, including Jada Pinkett Smith and the rest of the show’s talented cast, crew, producers and writers. We wish everyone involved with HawthoRNe nothing but the best.”

Jada Pinkett & Marc Anthony Get Busy On Hawthorne [VIDEO]

Will & Jada Pinkett-Smith Spotted The Day After Break Up Rumors [VIDEO]
