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Cleveland Police Dispatcher Beth Mandl, who failed to inform responding police officers that the gun Tamir Rice was holding might have been a toy, has officially resigned.

Mandl sent a memo announcing her resignation in July after a three-month absence from her position, according to USA Today. The dispatcher came under scrutiny in November 2014 after she declined to tell officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback that a 911 caller thought the gun 12-year-old Rice was holding in a Cleveland park was, in fact, a toy. Loehmann shot Tamir within seconds of arriving on the scene.

Steve Loomis, president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, released a statement about Mandl’s departure.


A police memo from July 1 also showed that Mandl “stated her job was to (sic) stressful and she was thinking about quitting.”

Since Tamir’s death, more details regarding the shooting have come to light, including how the officers forced his 14-year-old sister to the ground at gunpoint, and the release of a video showing only two seconds of interaction between Loehmann and the child before he opened fire.

In July, Municipal Court Judge Ronald Adrine agreed there was probable cause to charge Officer Timothy Loehmann with murder, involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, negligent homicide, and dereliction of duty. He also added that Garmback should be charged with negligent homicide and dereliction of duty, but no charges were filed against either officer.

SOURCE: USA Today, Twitter | VIDEO CREDIT: YouTube


Timothy Loehmann: Cleveland Cop Says 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Left Him ‘No Choice’ But To Shoot

Report: Officers Refused To Cooperate In Tamir Rice Investigation

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911 Dispatcher In Tamir Rice Shooting Resigns After Three-Month Absence  was originally published on