Dating & Relationships

Details | Thestir What makes him feel needed. Some guys love to fix things while others don’t even own a hammer. Take time to figure…

Finding love can be a mind-blowing, giddy, amazing experience. While whirlwind romances are the kind that typically only exist in movies and in fairy tales,…

There are some things women don’t even totally understand about themselves, and that men can only learn through trial and error (sorry!) But after being…

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Along with online dating, long-distance relationships (LDR)have also become quite popular in today’s world. Whether you meet someone you like who happens to live in…

Let’s face it, no one wants to deal with a partner’s ex. Unfortunately, there are instances where interaction with the ex is inevitable, especially if…

HPV vaccines protect against Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the diseases that are caused by HPV. HPV vaccination is recommended for preteen girls and boys…

Are you wondering if a guy is serious about you? There are some things guys make a conscious effort to not do for women they’re not serious…

By Alan Roger Currie Whenever I engage in conversations with single men and women about dating and relationships, all I hear is whining and complaining…

When the sex begins to dwindle (it will) and the obligations start to pile up (they do), rather than settle, sweetly shock your husband or…

Have you been feeling like things are rocky, weird or just bad with your boo and in your relationship lately? Maybe it’s because he’s about…

It doesn’t matter how much of a gentleman he has been up until that point: if a man you’re getting to know at a bar,…