While Barack Obama has been increasingly vocal about issues affecting Black America in the last months of his presidency, his stance on the Black Lives Matter Network remains…

Richard Sherman made some seriously off-putting comments about 'Black Lives Matter' and ESPN's Michael Smith's response was loving and necessary.

In an interview with The Guardian Silverman said she doesn't believe racial jokes should be performed in the nation's current climate.

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson joined Roland Martin on TV One’s NewsOne Now to share his views on the 2016 race for the White…

In Houston, Texas, a high school student was among others participating in a tribute of recently slain Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Gorofth. The student, Fatimah…


During a live interview on NewsOne Now, Min. Farrakhan shared his views on the Black Lives Matter Movement and young activists.

NewsOne’s PolitickerOne blog tackles some of the most important topics in politics: Election 2016, moves by the Obama administration, voting rights, lawmaking, and the way…

In a Fox News interview over the weekend, Donald Trump admitted what many voters already knew — he doesn’t understand the Black Lives Matter movement.…

PolitickerOne: Activist Deray McKesson tells NewsOne how the policy platform, aimed at ending police violence, was develped. Plus: The history behind Trump's Lynyrd Skynyrd fail.

During an interview last Friday, Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker suggested Black Lives Matter members aren't voters.

Marco Rubio is the latest GOP candidate to address Black Lives Matter, admitting that it is "legitimate" but does not offer solutions.

Is Shaun King a Black man? On Wednesday afternoon (Aug 19.), The Daily Kos staff writer and #BlackLivesMatter activist came under fire thanks to a story released…