Home remedies are the best! Check out some of these beauty secrets from around the world and try them for yourself!

Going to the doctor is never fun but we cannot hold back important info from the Doc or we could be causing ourself more harm!

http://api.tweetmeme.com/button.js?url=http%3A%2F%2Fallwomenstalk.com%2Fstudy-proves-men-prefer-curvy-women%2F&source=allwomenstalk&style=normal&service=bit.ly&hashtags=Beauty,Body,brain,brain+areas,brain+wiring,curvy,curvy+women,derriers,don,hips,men,msnbc,News,parts+of+the+brain,skinny,Society,Study,surgery,visual+evaluations,what%27s+up,Yusuf The media obsession with skinny women might just be a whole load of junk afterall. This recently conducted study proves that men actually prefer curvy women with shapely hips as opposed to the media promoted waif like appearance. *silently celebrates*  Researchers had 14 men rate how attractive they found pictures of the naked behinds […]