According to police, one of the officers fired several rounds into an alley, striking Tyre King. King was transported to Nationwide Children's Hospital and listed in critical condition, but did not survive.

The reality of frivolous lawsuits is that they rarely yield the desired results of the plaintiff, and a judge in Ohio found a clever way to dismiss one such case last week. Franklin County Judge David E. Cain wrote a legally-themed poem to dismiss a $2 million lawsuit filed by inmate Darek Lathan, who soiled his […]

This guy was bold… Be sure to tune into the Midday’s weekly 10am-3pm with RoDigga! Facebook Main: ro.digga Facebook 2: rodigga2 Twitter: @RoDigga Instagram: @RoDigga

Yesterday we put out the Soulja Boy interview. The video then gets picked up on Now 30,000 views later Kat Stacks has gotten the word about the interview and this hilarious pick that Soulja Boy took at the concert. Looks like she’s put the picture to good use and made it her background pic […]

Soulja Boy’s Back To School Tour came through this weekend and Soulja Boy along with Roscoe Dash, Diamond of Crime Mob, & The GS Boyz came through and put on a great show. Soulja Boy’s fans were there to help him get through the tough times he’s been having in the media. They didn’t shy […]