A new report says schools are accepting technology from companies that are data mining students. The researchers say students are vulnerable to privacy violations and harmful marketing.

A North Carolina school board lifted its ban on students carrying Mace and pepper spray on campus. This comes in response to the DOJ's civil rights lawsuit against the state's bathroom law.

A 77-year-old Atlanta attorney earns his 8th college degree. He plans to use his masters in religion to work in prison ministries.

The Department of Education reported a record number of civil rights complaints. Sec. of Education John King told NewsOne that he's optimistic, but there's more work to do.


After breaking several records throughout the season, Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry was chosen as the league’s MVP on Tuesday, becoming the very first unanimous choice in NBA history. “I never really set out to change the game. I never thought that would happen in my career,” said Curry as he accepted his award. […]

Despite passing a drug test, Wake County, N.C. school officials upheld a student's suspension because her hands smelled of weed. The sophomore's mother must appeal to the school board to clear her daughter's record.

Iowa City Police are investigating the attack of a University of Iowa student as a hate crime. The victim's family said the attack was unprovoked.


A total of 94 schools were shut down Monday as teachers protested the news that they would not receive pay. The district has about 46,000 students in 97 schools.

First Lady Michelle Obama hosted the third annual College Signing Day in Harlem. About 4, 000 high school seniors and several celebrities joined Mrs. Obama for the event to promote higher education.


With all of the negative publicity concerning Black youth in Chicago, it's important to take note of positive stories and this one is truly unique: The Huffington Post reports that Chicago twins, Deprice and Shaprice Hunt, were accepted into a combined 56 colleges and have earned about $1.6 million in scholarships.

There's an urgency to recruit Black male teachers. The Honore Center is one of the organizations answering the call.

A video showing a principal paddling a kindergartner goes viral and sparks discussions about corporal punishment. The child's mother said the principal coerced her into granting permission for the spanking. She feared being sent back to jail for truancy.