Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz both lead their competitors in Tuesday's presidential primary race in Wisconsin, but they may face significant obstacles in the battle for the nomination, which comes in just three months, according to The Associated Press.

INDIANAPOLIS – Congressman Andre Carson will host the 3rd annual “Youth Opportunities Fair”. It will take place on Wednesday April, 6th at the Central Library from 4-7 p.m. In an interview with HOT 96.3’s Cameron Ridle, Carson says there are over 50 organizations who have signed up to participate in the fair, offering summer job opportunities, […]

When Donald Trump heads to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July, he is likely to have the popular vote and the Electoral College lead ahead of his two opponents--Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, but that does not mean he will clinch the nomination.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was left off the ballot for the upcoming Washington, D.C. primary because of a registration error by the district's Democratic Party, but the chairwoman is confident the candidate would appear on the slate, reports CNN Politics.

After vowing to support the eventual Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz appeared to back down from the pledge during a Tuesday night town hall broadcast on CNN, according to NBC News.


The sisters may have taken it a bit too far this time. Diamond and Silk appeared on a radio show with White nationalist John Friend, who, the news site points out, is a "Holocaust denier" who has said the only "real Americans" are White people and who often uses his blog, The Realist Report, to spew "racist and anti-Semitic views."

Donald Trump told CNN that violence could erupt if he finishes with the most delegates, and the nomination goes to someone else.

Trump's presence on the list marks the first time the firm has considered the rise of a presidential candidate as a global risk.

Stacey Dash, a Fox News contributor, rose to Donald Trump's defense in a rambling blog post on her website.


For the past several months, the nation has seen Donald Trump's evolution from boisterous real estate mogul to the Republican Party's presidential front-runner.

Colin Powell, appearing on CBS' This Morning, criticized the vulgarity and childishness of the Republican presidential candidates. He hopes the national mourning for Nancy Reagan will usher in a period of civility.

After Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to reluctantly disavow the endorsement of former KKK leader David Duke and then made supporters raise their right hands and pledge to vote for him, Saturday Night Live found perfect fodder to spoof an ad for the front-runner's candidacy.