Superheroes rule!  The buzz at last weekend’s  San Diego Comic-Con belonged to both Marvel and DC.  Fan boys and girls’ prayers were finally answered with…

Michael Jai White is a lover and a fighter. The career martial-artist kicks in the small screen both directing and starring in the sequel to the mixed martial arts flick, Never Back Down. The straight to DVD sequel, Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown, finds White reprising Djimon Hounsou role as a fight instructor passing […]

Watch Macy Gray & Bobby Brown's "Real Love" video from Macy Gray's latest album "The Sellout"

Nicki Minaj’s second solo video finally came out this morning for her single “Your Love.”

This is from the special features in the DVD of Universal Soldier - The Return (1999) starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bill Goldberg and Michael Jai White. It is a short video of how Michael Jai White trains. Michael Jai White is an underrated actor and a very talented martial artist with blackbelts in Kyokushin Karate, Shotokan Karate, Goju-ryu Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, Wushu and Kobudo with over 30 titles under his belt. Check it out and hope you like it!

With Janet Jackson Malik Yoba (coming to WES 2010) and Jill Scott

Here is one of our fabulous guests for the Women's Empowerment Series...Michael Jai White talks about his new movie! <!--move-->