Teachers are in the school to teach and look after the kids. This teacher showed why it is very important to have them around as a student decided to bring a gun to school and do who knows what . This teacher took it upon himself to step in dis arm the student and HUG […]

A survey found that students brought more than 185 guns to school so far for this academic year. The group that conducted the survey laments that there's no federal gun safety law in place.

In the first two months of 2016, there have been a reported seven school shootings.


Two people have been shot at a TSU student housing complex. It has been confirmed that one of the victims has died.

Various News outlets report that a 8th grader has shot another student at a Martinsville Middle School This Morning … The kid who was shot has been Life Lined to The hospital and the person who is a possiablity of being the shooter is being held by the police at this Time… Now according to […]

NEBRASKA — More disturbing details are slowly emerging from the tragedy that occurred at Millard South High School In Omaha, Nebraska on Wednesday.