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Hydrotherapy has been used for thousands of years. The Greeks and Romans treated an array of conditions with it.  Putting together three of nature’s most powerful relieving agents: heat, water and air, it invigorates and gently massages the body while easing away aches and pains.

Restore By The Shore [VIDEO]

It’s a natural therapy, safely used by hospitals, physiotherapists and health spas around the world. Consult with your physician to see if it can benefit you.  There are several forms of hydrotherapy.  The focus of this page is the therapeutic benefits that can be realized by hydromassage and hydrothermal therapy through use of  home spas.

Tai Chi: “Cloud Hands” Lesson [VIDEO]

Three basic factors comprise this aquatic therapy: heat, buoyancy, and massage:

1.  Immersion in hot water raises the body temperature and causes the blood vessels to dilate, resulting in increased circulation.

2.  The buoyancy of the water reduces body weight by approximately 85-90%, relieving pressure on joints and muscles, while creating the relaxing sensation of floating in space.

3.  The massaging action of a spa is created by sending a mixture of water and air through hot tub jet nozzles. This energized warm-water stream relaxes tight muscles and stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers.

Mind Over Madness: Yoga Flava’s Transcendence In Times Square

The following Yoga Flava Video Snack is fun with myself and Reggae Dance Hall Rap Artist, Marco Polo, enjoying the healing benefits of the hot tub (jacuzzi).  Bonus sample of Marco Polo rapping ;-)

Oceanside Retreat At Creative Chakra Spa In Marina Del Rey, California

Sending positive vibes to Elev8Robin Downes’ Yoga Flava