FLACO just released his latest project “HOARDING” on the #BORED website “WEAREBORED.US This is the follow-up mixtape to his self-titled “ALEXANDER” mixtape that dropped last September 2013. “Melanchollywood” is ONLY ONE of the 30 TRACKS on the #HOARDING mixtape. FLACO (@FLACOisBORED), along with T.A.G (@TAGmsk) and BENNY JAMES (@BOREDdotBENNY) (all of #BORED) will be performing […]

More new music to add to the Naptown’s Next fold. Here is a little bit on Flaco and Tag. They represent METH COAST (mthcst.blogspot.com <http://mthcst.blogspot.com> ) and have a STRONG following from fans who have been exposed to their music and make addicts of new listeners (hence METH).  They DO NOT support, use or recommend […]