In today’s #PeoplePoll, we want #yourtake on the subject of sex tapes… “Would you take do a sex tape for $1 million dollars”? Tweet: @RussParrShow #RPMSTopTweets

In today’s #PeoplePoll, “We want #yourtake on Tony Dungy’s statement on openly gay NFL baller, Michael Sam” Tweet: @RussParrShow #RPMSTopTweets “

In today’s #PeoplePoll we want #yourtake on “What’s the solution to the violence happening NOW in #chi-town??? Tweet: @RussParrShow #RPMSTopTweets

We want #YOURTAKE on the LeBron James situation… Should he go back to Cleveland or stay in Miami? Tweet: @RussParrShow #RPMSTopTweets