Source | Globalgrind Gun violence has been the talk of the nation in 2013, and now another life has been brought into the array of…

  Some people in this world are absolute nut jobs. A man got into a car accident and fatally shot the other driver and the…

Source | Globalgrind UPDATE: 10:00 AM EST According to ABC, Deonta Howard, 3,  is now out of surgery and stabilized at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Chicago. We…

R&B bad boy Chris Brown is using his latest music video for “Don’t Think They Know” to foster some kind of peace in the gang-infested…


From its rowdy, stray dog award shows to their mischievous reruns of the same ol’ blacktacular flicks, there seems to always be a reason for…

More than two months after her murder, family and friends of Aliza Sherman gathered in front of the Cleveland Police Department to promote awareness of…

Singer Miguel has been praying to the R&B gods that he doesn’t get hit with a lawsuit following his leg drop heard around the world…

A 20-year-old new York man killed and set on fire a 14-year-old girl who refused his demand to have an abortion. After killing her, the…

Controversial rap collective Odd Future are known for trying to provoke people with their actions. In their latest drama, Mountain dew has pulled an ad…

Sean Kelly (pictured), a married Father of nine, had been on his job for 16 years when he was met by a gunman after he…

If you saw a mom with her child angrily yelling at a stranger on a bus or subway, what would you do? That’s what we…

Do not let the location fool you. Things get very real in Oklahoma. A man was arrested for scalping and cutting off his neighbor’s ear…